The importance of self-care when caring for others

Delivering higher-quality care for patients starts with taking care of ourselves. Wellness can be a journey, but when we focus on our own health and happiness, it allows us to better focus on our patients’ overall health and well-being. This is just one way we are creating a healthier tomorrow for patients and each other. We asked HCA Healthcare colleagues to share some of the ways they practice self-care. From exercise to finding creative outlets for hobbies, here are just a few ideas to get you started on your journey to becoming a happier, healthier you.
“I feel much more focused after running. I ran sporadically in college, and it was very satisfying to see my endurance and speed increase. Finishing my first road race, a 10K in 2008, hooked me. I worked my way up to a 50-mile ultra-marathon last year.”
– Catherine Holly
AVP of marketing and communications for HCA Healthcare’s East Florida division in Fort Lauderdale
Family Time
“I’m blessed to be the mother of a child [now an adult] with Down syndrome. When I look at the world through his eyes, things become so much clearer. He never judges, he’s delighted with the smallest of things and he loves everyone he meets. What better way is there to live your life than that?”
– Jolinda Kelley
BSN, RN, perinatal nurse navigator, Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kan.
“My great-aunt told me that being creative keeps the mind sharp and soothes the soul. She taught me how to quilt, and I’ve been doing it for 35 years. For me, quilting is immediately gratifying because it comes together so quickly!”
– Marti McBride
BSN, RN, CCRN, float pool nurse, TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center Hendersonville, Tenn.
“I realized that I’m the only person who can truly take care of myself. This is not to say that I don’t need others, but that they cannot make me happy without my own choice and commitment.”
– Rev. David H. Reeves
Director of mission and chaplaincy services, The Medical Center of Aurora and Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital, Aurora, Colo.
“I fell in love with yoga after I took my first class in college. Twenty-four years later, it’s one of the most important parts of my life and helps me stay dedicated to service in my nursing career.”
– Emily Beale
RNC, RYT, interim director of women’s and children’s services, Capital Regional Medical Center, Tallahassee, Fla.