Awards of Distinction highlight HCA Healthcare’s Values in Action

We were proud once again to honor our HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction recipients at a recent ceremony in Nashville that is, in many ways, a highlight of the year. I know those of you who were able to attend the event, or watch it via live streaming, were awed and humbled by the incredible stories of hard work, generous spirit and can-do attitudes these individuals bring to their work, their families, and their communities.
The HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction, which include the Frist Humanitarian Awards, HCA Excellence in Nursing Award and HCA Innovators Award, represent the highest honor our company can bestow on an individual. While they are given to individual people, the recipients come from all facets of the organization and from all levels of employment, which makes them a representative showcase of employees throughout the company. That’s important, because while our national recipients are remarkable people, there are great things being done in all the communities we serve and as a company, HCA Healthcare is pleased to highlight those exceptional achievements.
More than anything, however, the HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction demonstrate our culture in action. As our founder, Dr. Thomas Frist Sr., said, “It is not the bricks and mortar that make an organization great. It is the people. Good people who care, who have compassion, who have commitment. And always remember — good people beget good people.”
In this issue, you’ll find inspiring stories about this year’s national HCA Healthcare Award of Distinction honorees, as well as information about finalists for each award. These doctors, nurses, other employees and volunteers have gone well beyond the level anyone would expect to provide exceptional patient care, and also to make profound differences in the lives of others. Their drive to give their time, and often their personal resources, to help other people professionally and personally is an amazing testament to the incredible spirit that is displayed throughout our company every day.
This issue also includes stories about how other HCA Healthcare caregivers are making a difference every day, whether its physicians deploying the latest technology to enhance lives or simply finding ways to provide patients and their families with the most positive, affirming patient experience possible.
Each of these stories highlights a unique individual or small portion of our organization. But they illustrate the enthusiasm, innovation and hard work that each of you bring to our facilities, and our patients, every day. This culture permeates throughout HCA Healthcare and is a story in itself. Thank you for all that you do to improve the lives of our patients, their families and the communities we serve.