HCA Healthcare provides widespread assistance to colleagues and Texans in need.
HCA Healthcare Impact Report recognizes the incredible hard work and dedication of our doctors, nurses and colleagues.
As an innovative learning health system rooted in a people-centered mission, HCA Healthcare stood ready to quickly respond to the ever-evolving needs of our patients and colleagues, even in the most challenging of times.
HCA Healthcare colleagues volunteer their time, talents and money to help others throughout the enterprise and their own communities.
HCA Healthcare nurses are truly the difference makers when it comes to providing patient-centered care to those needing it most. Several of our nurses sat down to reflect on what nursing has meant to them, how the year 2020 has shaped them and why they are dedicated to nursing for the long haul.
HCA Healthcare colleagues share their feelings of hope and belief that the end of the pandemic is near with the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines.
The HCA Healthcare Hope Fund remains a beacon of support for colleagues in need.
When colleagues and facilities shine, patients always benefit.
Thank you, colleagues, for your exceptional work during an exceptional time.
HCA Healthcare thanks the volunteers and community members who continue to support and encourage our frontline colleagues.
Geography becomes secondary when colleagues respond to calls for help.
We care like family. Meaning, we pull together to support and celebrate patients and each other.